
MSA Comfo Twin-Cartridge Respirators provide protection against a variety of respiratory hazards. The respirators use chemical cartridges, aerosol filters, or a combination of the two, to remove specific contaminants from the inhaled air. The cartridges are interchangeable among all MSA Comfo Twin-Cartridge Respirators and are constructed of high-strength metal.
The respirators are available in a half-mask facepiece version (Comfo Classic®) and two full-facepiece styles (Ultra-Twin® and Ultra Elite®). In addition, with the Twin-Cartridge Adapter, the user can convert any demand-style Ultravue® or Ultra Elite Full-Facepiece into a twin-cartridge respirator.
All MSA Comfo Twin-Cartridge Facepieces are available in hycar rubber or silicone, which has a unique sealing surface designed to reduce facepiece slippage. All are formulated to maximize comfort and minimize the possibility of skin irritation, yet are resistant to chemicals and facial oils. They all come in small, medium and large sizes. Parts can be quickly connected and disassembled for ease of maintenance.
Applications for MSA Comfo Twin-Cartridge Respirators include welding, smelting, construction and hazardous waste remediation, as well as others in the chemical, oil and gas, marine, and pulp and paper industries. These comfortable respirators are ideal for both intermittent and extended exposure situations.
As an air-purifying device, all MSA twin-cartridge respirators must not be used in atmospheres containing less than 19.5 percent oxygen, or in atmospheres immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH).
Twin-cartridge respirators must not be worn for protection against gases or vapors with poor warning properties.
Twin-cartridge respirators must not be used in atmospheres containing more than 100 times the exposure limit for the contaminant present.

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